

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Have you ever heard the saying " believe in all and all can be achieved?" its a very powerful and meaningful saying. if you set your mind to anything you believe in than you can acomplish it. dont ever let anyone stand in your way and tell you that you cant. if you really want to, you will. the thing is you have to know and feel it in your heart that you can do it. Dont just tell yourself you can, believe in yourself. i know it can be hard to believe in yourself if others dont believe in you, but if you show everyone that you believe.... they will start to expect great things out of you. im not saying make yourself shine and have high demands to make, just put your heart out and do the things that you want to do. and if you really love it, over time you will reach your goals. another thing to remember is, dont make impossible goals. making a goal that you know is not humanly possible would just be silly and gets you down in the dumps. also, believe in other as you would want them to believe in you. having someone tell you, "you can do it!" can only push you to do it even better. letting someone know what their doing is important and helpful is nice too. just remember to believe in everything. its always good to have a little encouragement in life, may it be yourself or someone else.

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